Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Safe and Sound

Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:34 PM

I am finally at the MTC!!!! apparently they didn't know that i was actually coming...but it all worked out because I found a super nice lady and her daughter that spoke English and helped me make phone calls after i realized my debit card wouldn't work in the pay phone.

i also met the guy i was supposed to talk to and gave away both pass along cards before i got to houston :) i will say more in my actual email...i dont think i am supposed to write about it now...but it is really tricky not communicating in spanish...

i love you, and i am totally okay

Hermana Ming

ps lots of pictures already

Let the Adventure Begin!

 (Sunday night - at a little Open House with her friends and family)
(John Wayne Airport - August 27th)

August 28, 2013 Its been a wonderful experience getting Konrie ready to serve her mission in Rancagua, Chile.  She is such an amazing young woman.  She is ready!!  After missing her flight at 6:45 am due to a series of unfortunate events we got her to the airport again at noon.  (We told her there must be a reason she missed that flight so to look for it.)  Off she went.  Its was a tough time saying goodbye to our sweet daughter/sister knowing we won't see her for 18 months, but of course, we are so happy for her.  It was good to get her quick email letting us know she arrived safely.  Can hardly wait for our first full email!