haha funny moment! elder byrd fell asleep during study. he was laying on
his arm and it fell asleep...when he woke up...it was sooo funny because he was
staring at his arm so confused and shocked as to why it wouldnt move or why he
couldn{t feel it...pure shock...could not comprehend why it wouldnt move....like
it wasnt his arm...we we enjoyed laughing at his face!!!
another one bites the dust-elder silva blew out his knee...that is
the fourth person in our district to not be in full health. hermana young.
humphrey was sick in the first week but only missed a day...it was day
3...hutchinson bruised his ribs playing fútbol...Hunt told me the elders
apparently decided that i am next....thanks elders :/ so not going to stóp
me...id have to be dying
I got a package!!and hooked all the people in my district on my fave type
of chips (kettle corn flavor popped chips or something like that) yep they love
it and me...and I LOVE MY raincoat!! i am so easy to find! and I love it!! and I
have a camera to show you pics!!!! yay!!
oh fun story...they want hermanas to wear name on right side so people will
follow your arm (during handshake) to your name and who you represent...no sé
por qúe (I don't know why) other than that
ok now for a good story to tell you more about my week...
wait forgot to tell you our district now also have disney characters....ps
they know about all the assignments we've given em
neeley-woody (no man left behind)
humphreys- john smith (¨'quiet manly behavior, his voice definitely his
voice' says h young)
hunt- flik (bugs life, just wants to be in the middle of it all,
brown-sully (monsters inc only the first one not the new one, loves what he
loves but lets others make the decisions)
byrd-robin hood cartoon with foxes (in the middle loves to have fun no
matter the circumstance but mature)
silva-aladdin (looks like aladdin, great intentions but also kinda wants to
rebel normally does the right thing)
hutchinson-prince eric (he is the most active prince (in our opinion) in
fighting for his lover he loves his gf back home)
cook-flynn rider (has a smolder, comes off as cocky and arrogant and has a
twisted sense of reality)
okay story...
this week was pretty rough on me. the first half it was just waiting for us
to be told when h young was leaving and my life would be altered and then she
ended up (on friday) having the full go ahead to stay (kinda...its still touch
and go) since wed she was told if she wants to stay (which she does) she has to
attend all classes and no wheelchair. and she has been doing it. but I didnt
accept her decision to stay right away- because I was a little sick of change,
and i received peace when i asked God to help me accept her decision to go. but
i forgot to ask for peace with her decision to stay too. So i didn't have the
Spirit...which makes teaching about the Gospel REALLY hard...and it rattled me.
but as a district on Saturday with the help of our maestra (female teacher) (Hermana Coleman aka Lorena (1st
investigator) aka Spiritual powerhouse of an instructor) we as a district
invited the spirit back into our clase with fervent prayer bearing our souls to
God (for some reason it sounds bad but its not) and scripture study learning
what we needed to do to have the Spirit again. I personally realized I needed to
let go of any mal (bad) feelings I had towards
anything and focus on the Spirit and what I could to to be worthy of it. IDK if
that was too personal but I have a testimony of the Spirit of Revelation. It did
not end with the Prophets of old or with the Apostles. God still wants to speak
to us. we just have to be worthy and willing to listen and know how to listen.
The priesthood is real. It is the power to act in God's name and it can work
okay I have more pics on the way...as well as the ones in the other
camera...send me questions so I can answer.
Hermana Konrie Ming
This is the enterance to the CCM (Missionary Training Center) inviting right? but in mexico if you want any
privacy and wanna keep out the strays it's necessary
Week 3? Time flies and all blends together!!
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