Saturday, September 20, 2014

HELPFUL HINTS for Future Rancagua Chile missionaries :)

hey future hermana h    !! 
i am so glad you emailed me i am so excited that you emailed me and are comming down here!! you will love it!! the most important thing to remember before you leave on the mission is that God has prepared you, and He wants you specifically to be His missionary. to serve His children. no matter what happens never forget God knows what He is doing and You are Called to the work.  there is almost everything you would use in the united states found down here, ....almost....but the question is how expensive it is...your houses should all have big blankets to keep you warm, and cooking materials. the members feed the missionaries normally but sometimes recipes are awesome, the desserts here are NOT thesame....they just arent as sweet so cookie and brownie recipes that take less then an hour and a half prep and cook time (because you wont have much time). 

as for your questions:
it is both extremely hot and extremely be sure to bring a big warm wool coat. and it also rains a lot so an umbrella and a rain coat rain boots are allowed in this mission. boots and wool tights are necessary some areas have bikes so elastic shorts that will cover your garments are a great idea, slips for your skirt, shirts that are modest by themselves and lightweight are perfect for the summer because you will bake. and sweat. layers are key to the cold, but most houses dont have heating and are VERY cold inside and out. so basically clothes that one uses in places that have snow. beanies (that are appoved on the website) scarves, gloves, etc

dont forget photos of your family. becuase your friends and companions will want to know what they look like. bring a durable bag with enough room to fit both your scriptures and a book of mormon with wiggle room. i brought boots with heels that i could walk with in the states for the whole day (because i sat a good porcion of the day....) ya i wanted to cut off my legs when i had to use them for two days in the mission ....its not worth it...

dont worry about bringing enough clothes for 2 years, just enough for 6 months, because you trade clothes with other missionaries often times. 

follow the instructions your packet gives you more than anything :)

you will love it! more than anything just know that god will take care of you. and if you need anything it only takes a month and a week to send stuff...american candy is heaven(just a ps)
hermana ming

On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 5:38 PM, Ellen Huish <> wrote:
Hi Hermana Ming!!

So I'm friends with Torra, and I'm heading down to your same mission soon!

I wanted to get some advice from  a sister down there about preparing and everything!
I just have a few questions:
How hot does it get in the summer? Is it pretty hot or is it bearable? And then I heard it gets really cold in the winter?
Is there anything you wish you had packed before you left?
Just any advice you have would be super appreciated!! Thanks so much!!


Just a little momma sisde note - I stopped publishing on the blog and now just forward her emails to those who want to read them... Just FYI   

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